M.O.M. MINISTRY of St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church
From the Gospel of Matthew 11:28-29
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Those who minister need to be ministered to; and in that spirit, the Mission of Motherhood (or MOM) was formed. We are a pro-life ministry for expectant mothers, young mothers, veteran mothers, and grandmothers. As a community we help to encourage and support mothers in all of life’s adventures. We gather for social and educational meetings where we can LEAN on and LEARN from one another. We celebrate the gift of new life, assist in the time of family crisis, and mourn with those who have lost a family member too soon.
We bridge connections with dynamic women who practice their Catholic faith with confidence.
We encourage women to pray daily for their families and to live a life rooted in spirituality in the Catholic Church.
We invite and respect mothers of other denominations to study their faith and live it with integrity.
We remind women that they each have a vocation- a call from God, to do profound and meaningful work in their lives.
We help mothers to understand the sacredness of their bonds with their children and husbands and to treasure, nurture, and protect that bond.
To pray for all women, of all ages, races, shapes/sizes, praying that they reach out to God and pray for their spiritual growth.
The MOM Ministry runs throughout the whole year. From September to June we focus on the spirituality of motherhood and host bi-monthly social meetings to cultivate friendships and build community.
Meetings are held at the St. Anthony Room on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 10am.
(please contact madetobeholy@gmail.com for most updated Wednesday meetings)
We hope to grow genuine relationships and mentorship to all those who come and join us!

Contact Darryl to organize meeting point (madetobeholy@gmail.com)

St. Ambrose Carnival 2023